The government prosecutor in the case of Nishad Singh, a former FTX executive, has asked the sentencing judge to consider Singh's "substantial assistance" and "exemplary cooperation" in the government's investigation into FTX. In the documents, prosecutors said Mr. Singh, who helped the government understand how FTX's code allowed the illegal use of client funds, had "shown sincere remorse and a desire to help". He detailed transactions that Sam Bankman-Fried made using the stolen money.
The Criminal Division of Changning People's Court in Hunan Province successfully helped the victim recover the economic loss of 280,000 yuan through pre-trial mediation. It is reported that the defendant Peng Moumou agreed with the online to help the online transfer of virtual currency exchange funds, and received compensation according to 1.5% of the transaction amount. The victim Qing paid 300,000 yuan in cash to buy the other party's equivalent virtual currency but only received...